If there was one word I could use to sum up our experience during our week in Texas, it is PRAISE! GOD showed us in powerful ways that HE wants us to PRAISE HIS NAME!! No matter what! And when we do, HIS NAME IS GLORIFIED. When we do, the enemy of our soul has no power over us! When we do, life is filled with Peace, not fear...
SATURDAY was good as he pretty much moved past the nausea from the procedure. We rested a bit during the afternoon so we weren’t quite ready to go to bed. About 9PM I said, “Why don’t we look at that CD Lee gave me?” I had been given a CD labeled “How Great Is Our God” about 3 months ago and several times had intention to get it out and see what was on it, but it never happened. For 3 months that thing rode around in my briefcase! That night I thought we’d slip it in and see just what this dear friend had been encouraging me to look at. It didn’t take long to see GOD’s perfect timing as we looked in amazement at the heavens and the stars and a little protein molecule called laminin and were reminded in a most powerful way of how GREAT is the GOD we serve. At the end the LORD spoke very clearly to my heart that HE knew exactly where we were and that HE was right there holding us together. Please take time to visit this link and see for yourself “How Great Is Our GOD!” As a matter of fact, don’t "take" time… "MAKE" time!!! ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzCP8SEKwc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
SUNDAY morning I read the beautiful scripture referenced in the message we heard last night. Psalm 33. Fred’s night was mostly sleepless, but we were thankful that he had no pain and no nausea! We went for afternoon church and were also able to be at ACYF that evening.
MONDAY morning before Fred opened the Word, I offered up a heart prayer to GOD that HE would help us understand what it was that we should be doing…were we to continue holding to HIS direction given to us five months ago, or was it time to switch gears with the therapies HE showed us to use, or was it time to “accept reality” as it “appears”… like the enemy is prevailing. And then Fred opened to Psalm 67…no, GOD opened the Word to Psalm 67! Seven verses long. As I lay there listening to Fred read, I heard him say…”thy saving health”!! I don’t usually interrupt him, but I said “Seriously,!! Does it really say that”!!? And then “Let the people praise THEE , O GOD” over and over and over! OK then, my heart spoke back, we will keep praising THEE, THE GOD of the UNIVERSE and continue to TRUST with unreasoning TRUST! Why? Because HE is our GOD, even our own GOD, and it IS in HIS hand to BLESS us, our little part is to offer PRAISE to HIS name! The rest of Monday was not smooth, pain started up in the afternoon, but so thankful it can be managed with medication.
TUESDAY Fred was able to work for a few hours at the farm office. I was able to get to a couple places for house plans and in the evening we and some of our kids went into the house to move dirt and gravel around and pick up branches. We even had a little help from Pennsylvania! Thanks Tyler!
WEDNESDAY we started with an early Dr appt. followed by several mtgs for house plans and then an afternoon appt. with a Urologist. Dr. said everything looked very good and he would schedule the appt. with Radiology to have the nephrostomy tubes replaced in 6-8 wks. Driving home, that nagging voice of fear was trying to gain a foothold. Instantly the Spirit was there with a song on my heart “Praise ye the LORD; HE is King over all the creation!” Zion’s Harp #5. It doesn’t get much better than that! Fred and I sang it together as we drove back to Forrest and indeed, my Peace was restored! After that appt. we had one last stop, to check in with the plumber. We should be ready for him after the weekend! Fred tolerated riding in the van fairly well and only needed a little pain reliever before we headed to church.
THURSDAY, this morning, he said it felt good to wake up feeling refreshed, and without pain! PRAISE GOD! We’ve noticed after meals a little fatigue comes over him, but it’s not too long before he’s back out the door, not running, but back at it. He’s a trooper!!! He worked at the office most of the day and this evening we did a little more gravel work to prep for the plumbing and then met with our flatwork guy. I am sooo blessed! Thank you JESUS!
Thankful to read how God reveals Himself to you both! Thankful for His faithfulness and that you are in His care and keeping. Love and prayers..the Schlipf's
ReplyDeleteWe are thankful that you can feel God's presence so close in your life. Just want to encourage you to keep your trust in Him who holds the key to all unknown. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, wishing you God's grace and nearness each step of the way.
ReplyDeleteLove, Mary & Manuel
I will hit the "like" button. Praise God My love and prayers
ReplyDeleteWow! That speech was amazing! It is just what I need as well as so many others who are dealing with difficult times. We are so small! When things are put into perspective we realize just how much we limit the infinite power of God. Laminin is an amazing molecule. Coincidence? I think not! Thanks for sharing. Jesse and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteLove Karla Zimmerman