Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Posting in Mexico

Wow, I started to post this about an hour ago, but have had major issues due to being in Mexico.  Everytime I went to the blog, the posts all showed up in English, but the links to login and edit were in Spanish.  You would think by trial and error I could have figured it out, but it was one of those moments were I kept hitting a brick wall.  So I concluded that for some reason the Lord's time table for this blog post wasn't the same as mine, and that it didn't matter if it was posted in the morning of Illinois time!

Tuesday morning started with a blood draw to begin the vaccine prep.  Dr. Rubio explained to us yesterday that Fred would begin his low dose radiation and chemo treatments today to kick start the attack on the cancer.  The treatment center for the radiation is off site, so we went there around 10:30 a.m.  The actual amount of treatment time was about 30 seconds! It doesn't sound like much time, but around 4:30 this afternoon Fred began to feel a dull pain in his neck and noticed that the site seemed swollen.  Dr. explained that this was exactly what was expected to happen and that in a few days the swelling would recede.  After supper he received his first bag of chemo.  He has not felt any nausea or sickness and later in the evening during his final IV of the day, he said the pain from the tumor site was gone. Besides the poultice applied to his neck to help pull out the toxins, he was also receiving an IV of Mannitol which promotes the excretion of toxic waste.

Oh, and for those of you who know my love for drinking hot water... they have one of those cool dispensers that instantly gives hot water 24/7, how sweet is that?  Now Fred doesn't have an excuse to not be drinking hot water! ;)  This is one of the tips I've learned in my schooling this year, that hot water is a good lymph stimulator. Since the lymph system is our body's  "drains" for taking away toxins, it's a really good idea to keep it flowing! =)

That's the report from yesterday. I'm off to get caught up on my schooling that has fallen behind since the middle of November. 
Thanks for caring and praying!


  1. Shew! So glad to hear all is going well. Glad to be able to check this to see how you are both doing. Tell Fred Gaige is really looking forward to him getting back so he can go sing! OF COURSE Gaige wouldn't admit that or actually move his lips while singing so it must be Fred that is appealing! We will continue to pray hard and I will share my favorite verse (one of many but this one is dear to my heart - you understand). Isaiah 40:31 - it gives me courage and reminds of things to come. Take courage and we will continue to pray...
    Abby E.

  2. Greetings dear ones. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you continually. Your lives have not been without trial in the past but we believe He sends trials to ready us for His Kingdom. So with that faith we take steps forward in this walk of life. There are some key words in Psalm 37 that have been such an encouragement to me (all of the words but especially these)
    "Fret not thyself... verse 3-Trust in the Lord... verse 4- Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart... verse 5- Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass... verse 7- Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him....
    In a service Bro Aaron Steffen pointed out the order of the words and how we should first trust then delight and then commit and once again trust and then the hardest and yet the most beautiful is "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him..."
    We will continue to check this blog so thanks for the updates! We love you and are praying for you!
    Liz and Martha Fehr
