Monday, December 28, 2009

Friends and Fellowship!

We didn't have a camera until we crossed back to the U.S. this weekend, it was our first stop.  After that our dear friends picked us up and took us to dinner at Souplantation. This was a fantastic buffet! It had a huge salad line, a number of soups and breads and some dessert options too, just didn't go there! ;) We enjoyed spending the evening around the fire with the children. Sunday we felt an immense blessing from the Spirit as we sang songs for those in a nursing/convalescing home, attended morning and afternoon services, and fellowshiped with this precious congregation. We are so thankful for the time we could spend with everyone there.

Here's a picture of Fred & Brian helping set the table for breakfast :)

By the kindness of dear friends who re-arranged their schedule, we were brought back to the border at about 3:30 and crossed without any problems.  We had to take a taxi since our ride wasn't there, but this wasn't a problem once Brian could explain where we needed to go.....
God ALWAYS provides!


  1. Dear Fred & Bren: We're thankful that your weekend was an enjoyable one! We think of you soooo often and miss you a bunch!! Thanks for getting some pics on the blog! We're hopeful that you're getting a little schooling done, Sis, and that Fred's enjoying the relaxing "patient" schedule he has ;) Our love and prayers are with you daily! KDK

  2. Fred and Brenda,
    All the way my saviour leads me,Cheers each winding path I tread; Gives me grace for every trial...
    Continue to think of you both often and keeping you in our prayers. Thanks for keeping us posted!
    Chuck and Ginny

  3. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Sounds like they are treating you well in Mexico.
    Love and miss you,
