Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Revelations on Saturday

Friday I felt I noticed a shift in Fred's overall confidence.  As the WORD opened Saturday morning, he read Mark 9:14-29, where JESUS is asked to heal a man's son, because HIS disciples could not.  v23 JESUS said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." v24 And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "LORD, I believe; help Thou my unbelief."  After finishing the reading Fred confessed he had offered the same prayer to GOD yesterday! And then the hymn came sweetly to my heart..."Only believe, Only believe, All things are possible, Only believe. Only believe, Only believe, All things are possible, Only believe"  As I sang it to Fred, it gave us both a peace and encouragement to hold fast to HIS WORDS and believe! Later that morning the Spirit brought another song to my heart, Our GOD, HE is Alive and the chorus reads like this...
There is a GOD, HE is alive
In HIM we live and we survive
From dust our GOD
Created man
HE is our GOD,
The great I AM
These hymns and verses just keep driving home the point from the inspirational message I linked to in my Thursday post.  This Great GOD is our FATHER and HE CAN do anything.  We daily submit our lives to HIS WILL.  Why should we fear? Really, what is there to fear?  We are on HIS team, HE is our Captain and HE WILL WIN! How do I know? The BIBLE tells me so! And then don't forget Laminin!  If you haven't watched the video clip, DO! It really helps bring all things into perspective.

The day was filled with work at the house as we brought in more gravel to prepare for the plumbers.  He worked like a dog and ended up paying for it a bit as it took a little while to settle into bed that night.

The night was good and we woke up Sunday and I am certain Fred had a spring in his step as he prepared to go to church, and a song in his heart...others at church noticed it too!  I couldn't help but tell those who asked that we were doing great! This morning was when the LORD gave me the directive from Ezekiel 40:4 to "declare all that thou seest."  We spent Sunday evening relaxing at home and we shared our thoughts together that the enemy of the soul would surely be launching attacks on us.  He didn't wait long, Fred began to feel uncomfortable in his stomach before bed and the night was very restless, no pain but he didn't sleep much.

Monday morning my faith was beginning to grow a little dim, and the LORD opened the WORD to Luke 1:11-20  I was admonished!  Here the LORD was revealing HIS glad tidings to us just a couple of days ago, and I was struggling with unbelief! Needless to say with tears I prayed for forgiveness! I went to work in HIS peace, but kinda exhausted.  A dear friend had left a daily devotional book on my desk, so I turned to April 2nd and this is what it said...

   I am here. Here as truly as I was with MY Disciples of old.  Here to help and bless you. Here to company with you.  Do you know, even yet, My children, that this is the priceless blessing of your lives?  I forgive you, as you have prayed Me to, for all neglects of MY commands, but start anew from today.
   Study MY words and carry them out unflinchingly, unflinchingly. As you do this, you will find that you are miracle-workers, workers together with ME-for ME. Remember this, not what you do, but what you are-that is the miracle-working power.
   Changed by MY Spirit, shedding one garment of Spirit for a better.  In time throwing that aside for a yet finer one and so on from character to character, gradually transformed into MY likeness.
   Joy, joy, joy

I set about to do as HE asked...unflinchingly!


  1. Wish I could have talked to you a little more yesterday at church.
    Thankful for your faith!
    You are in our prayers and our hearts daily.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing. I just finished watching "How Great is Our God." Wow, you're right about it bringing things into perspective! Praying that you continue to feel His Peace every moment. ~Michelle
