Saturday, December 17, 2011

No News is Good News!

Things have been busy in the last 3 weeks since I posted!

Thankfully, Fred continues to feel well and there have been times when asked how he's feeling he says, "Great!"  PTL!! He continues to work at the farm and was working fairly frequently at the "house" in the early part of the month until he accomplished the tasks he needed to complete before winter set in.

Here's evidence of the Lords mercy and goodness as he blessed us with fantastic weather to complete the project of filling in the hole.

First came the footing and the wall

Next the gravel

Packing it in

And then the dirt for our back yard!

One last project to accomplish before spring is the removal of a rather large Chinese Elm from the front yard. So for all of you men that didn't get in on the previous work days.....start your chain saws!! :)  
(actually not quite yet!... we will most likely start this project in the new year)

Thanks so much for your love, support, and prayers....we are truly in awe of the power of your prayers in keeping us in HIS comfort and peace!  To God be the glory!

May God bless each of you with an amazingly, blessed Christmas!